BIP course schedule

The course comprises an introduction to the specific local archaeological situation and landscape development, archaeological research questions and practicing ways to solving them through geophysical measurements.

In the field course, state-of-the art instrumentation including magnetics, electromagnetics, geoelectrics, ground penetrating radar, seismics and geophysical down-hole measurements will be applied.

The field component will be complemented by a compulsory (online) component during fall 2022 dedicated to data analysis, processing and interpretation.


The preliminary course schedule can be found below. The dates of the virtual lectures are pending the lecturer’s availabilities.

All virtual lectures will be recorded and made available on this page.



Time (CET)

Lecturing staff



8-8-2022 Philippe De Smedt, Immo Trinks, Wolfgang Rabbel, Dennis Wilken, Bente Majchczack, Jeroen Verhegge Practical matters

Introduction to the course

Presentation of the reading list

08/08/2022-27/08/2022 Self-study of the reading list Virtual
28-8-2022 Philippe De Smedt, Immo Trinks, Wolfgang Rabbel, Dennis Wilken, Bente Majchczack Travel & arrival Physical
29-8-2022 9h-17h Philippe De Smedt, Immo Trinks, Wolfgang Rabbel, Dennis Wilken, Bente Majchczack Group formation

Introduction to fieldwork locations

Start-up fieldwork activities

30-8-2022 9h-17h Philippe De Smedt, Immo Trinks, Wolfgang Rabbel, Dennis Wilken, Bente Majchczack Fieldwork:

Group 1: MAG

Group 2: MAG

Group 3: EMI

Group 4: EMI

31-8-2022 9h-17h Philippe De Smedt, Immo Trinks, Wolfgang Rabbel, Dennis Wilken, Bente Majchczack Fieldwork:

Group 1: EMI

Group 2: EMI

Group 3: MAG

Group 4: MAG

1-9-2022 9h-17h Philippe De Smedt, Immo Trinks, Wolfgang Rabbel, Dennis Wilken, Bente Majchczack,Tina Wunderlich Fieldwork:

Group 1: Profile measurements (ERT>GPR>SEISM)

Group 2: Profile measurements (SEISM>ERT>GPR)

Group 3: Sampling & in situ measurements (direct push>coring)

Group 4: Sampling & in situ measurements (coring>direct push)

2-9-2022 9h-17h Philippe De Smedt, Immo Trinks, Wolfgang Rabbel, Dennis Wilken, Bente Majchczack,Tina Wunderlich Fieldwork:

Group 1: Sampling & in situ measurements (direct push>coring)

Group 2: Sampling & in situ measurements (coring>direct push)

Group 3: Profile measurements (ERT>GPR>SEISM)

Group 4: Profile measurements (SEISM>ERT>GPR)

3-9-2022 Travel back Physical
6/10/2022 14h-17h Philippe De Smedt Virtual lecture and exercise:

EMI data processing, analysis & interpretation


Meeting ID: 936 0128 6936

Passcode: qH0jkX85

21-10-2022 9h – 12h Tina Wunderlich Virtual lecture and exercise:

ERT data processing, analysis & interpretation


Meeting-ID: 643 4689 4350

Passcode: 350240

11/11/2022 14h-17h Immo Trinks Virtual lecture and exercise:

GPR data processing, analysis & interpretation

17/11/2022 9h-12h Dennis Wilken Virtual lecture and exercise:

MAG data processing, analysis & interpretation

25/11/2022 13-16h Wolfgang Rabbel Virtual lecture and exercise:

SEISM data processing, analysis & interpretation

postponed Bente Majchczack, Jeroen Verhegge Virtual lecture and exercise:

Integration with coring data, archaeological interpretation

postponed Philippe De Smedt, Jeroen Verhegge Introduction and instructions to scientific poster assignment Virtual
15/12/2022-1/3/2023 Collaborative poster preparation Virtual
28/3/2023-1/4/2023 Wolfgang Rabbel Poster presentations at ICAP2023 Physical/Virtual